Best for Balance

To be honest, all of the cycles on our website are suitable for beginners. What we do, at Bikeworks, is make sure you have the right cycle for your current ability and work with you to enable the best ride experience. That said, with certain health conditions or physical impairments, a certain style of frame, wheel size and number of gears might get you cycling with greater ease. We would want to discuss this with you first or you might want to visit one of our All Ability clubs to test a cycle.
Best for Wheelchair Users and Co-riding

We have many cyclists that use wheelchairs on a daily basis and are able to transfer over onto our Tricycle range to enjoy a ride. More commonly the Van Raam range of Easy Riders, the Tomcat Arrow and Silver Bullet range and all of our ICE Trikes will be the best cycles here.
If you are able to transfer from a chair or simply want some company when riding then the Van Raam Fun2go is going to be the best cycle. It's what we call a side by side or duo and you have the option to pedal or sit back and let the “pilot” take control.
Next we move onto the Van Raam O Pair wheelchair cycle for a passenger and “pilot” to explore and cycle together. You can order this model with an option to split the frame so once you arrive at your location you can disconnect the chair from the back of the cycle and be a little more independent.
Finally you have the Van Raam Velo Plus which is a platform wheelchair cycle. These cycles can accommodate standard manual wheelchairs as well as more commonly used powerchairs to a weight capacity 140kg - 200kg with the reinforced model. The platform tilts down to enable the chair to be backed on; once in place, with a number of easy to use straps, the “pilot” can cycle off. Again, this model can be ordered with a splittable frame making storage easier.
All of the above can be either manual or electric assisted.
We also offer 12 months interest free finance.
Best for Children

Many of the Mission Cycles range or tricycles are suitable for children from the age of 4 years old and upwards. They have wheel sizes from 16 inch up to 24 inch, which is closer to adult size wheels. They come with fixed or single speed and range to 8 speed as you move into teenage and adult years. Van Raam have the Easy Rider Compact and the Compact small which are semi-recumbent tricycles and work from ages of 8 years upwards. These can be purchased as fixed or single speed or 8 speed hub gears. Again, the Tom Cat Apprentice Arrow and Silver Arrow can also accommodate much younger riders. Finally, we have the Pashley Robin fixed tricycle for 5 years and up.
We also offer 12 month interest free finance.
Best for Shopping

The Van Raam range of Easy Riders are the perfect utility cycle that can be used for day to day life needs such as shopping. It's very easy to fit a standard cycle pannier to the rear of the seats on all the models. On the full size Easy Rider a basket can be fitted to carry additional loads as well. The Van Raam Balance and Raleigh e-bikes come with standard rear racks so a set of panniers can be fitted giving you enough space to get a large shop’s worth helping you to carry food home. Possibly offering the largest option for storage would be one of the Pashley range. Pashley Picador or 7 speed Tri 1 are lightweight, geared traditional tricycles, both of which can accommodate large wicker baskets or plastic alternatives.
We also offer 12 month interest free finance.
Best for Touring

Here is where the ICE Trike range really comes into its own. Built for speed, distance and comfort; riding these feels like you are cycling a formula one race car, whether you have the electric version or not! You can add panniers to both sides as well as numerous water bottle holders. If you need the distance, but speed is not a number one priority then the Van Raam Easy Rider and Compact Easy rider are built for comfort and sit a little higher on the road.
We also offer 12 month interest free finance.
Best for Life

Whether you are in the city or country there is a cycle that is best for you. Some of these cycles are expensive but the return on that investment can be priceless and can literally change your life by impacting your health but also by helping you get out and be social again. Using an adaptive cycle lets you cycle for fun, for practical trips and for spending time with family and friends. We want you to join our journey at Bikeworks to enable your next journey.
We also offer 12 month interest free finance.